Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Power of Visulization

As athletes we train hard and carefully plan our strategies hoping that on game day all our hard work will pay off and we will be victorious. One other key ingredient to prepare our mind and body for the big day is visualization. Before every game I take time to get quiet and visualize myself handling game scenarios flawlessly. This technique is great for calming your nerves, building concentration and self confidence, and improving your performance without tiring your body before a big game where you want to peak your performance. Visualization is also a useful tool in rehearsing strategies played in hypothetical game situations.

Why is this technique so effect? The answer is visualizing ideal game scenarios creates a neural pattern in the brain, similar to those created when actually performing the physical movements. These patterns are necessary to create ecetrical impulses that generate our movements. Physical training coupled with visulization build the neurological patterns we need to perform actions precisely.

To practice this technique effectively find a quiet, comfortable place free of distractions. Start by concentrating on your breath. Feel your body relax with each inhalation and exhalation. Then begin to imagine yourself playing the game. Imagine the details and the way it feels to perform. You can include your senses in the visualization. See actually images or pictures of the game, sounds like the roar of the crowd, and what your body actually feels like in these scenarios are all helpful techniques in immersing your mind into the full experience.  Imagine situations in the game and and then visulize yourself executing them immaculately.   

Doing this for ten minutes three times during the week before your match is suggested for this technique to be the most effective.  You can also do short visualizations when you are in line at the store or anytime you are you have a brief moment to focus on something else.

Often a win comes down to scoring points in the final seconds of a match.  Why not use every available technique out there to maximize your performance, especially one as simple and easy as visualization.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree Dr. McMahon. And happy birthday to you and me in 13 days :)
